XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB DDR5 PCIE graphics card price in India

XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB DDR5 PCIE graphics card


Brand            : Redeon
Family           : 57xx series
Processor      : 800 stream process unit
Memory        : GDDR5 1GB
Direct x         : Direct X 11 support
Open GL       : Open GL 3.2 support
ATI Eyefinity : Supports up to 3 monitors
Technology   : ATI stream technology 2
Crossfirex      : Yes, 2 Cards
Output           : 2 DVI, 1 HDMI, 1 portal connector
HDMI            :with 7.1 sorround sound 1920x1200
DVI                : 2560x1600
Power             : 75W

What are in the Box

1. XFX Radeon HD5770 DDR5 1GB graphics card
2. Power card
3. Crossfirex cable
4. DVI to VGA converter pin
5. Driver CD
6 User manual

Price In India*

Price in Local Shop : Rs. 7,200 / -

Price In Ebay          : Starts from 8,700 /=

Price In Amazon     : $134

* Price Based on 31.03.2011 market.


Additional Tags : ATI xfx radeon Hd 5770 price in india ebay price ati eyefinity hd5770 in india xfx graphics card in india hd5770 hd57 series hd5700 DDR5 1 GB dvi to vga 57xx radeon in india good graphics